by Lee Watson | Apr 27, 2016 | Adventure, Articles, Lee Watson
It happens throughout our lives. We are living on a path that is good, bad, or otherwise but it is our path. We wake up knowing that today will look much like tomorrow. Sure, the seasons change, a vacation happens, we run out of coffee, but mostly, life is...
by Dakota McCoy | Apr 20, 2016 | Adventure, Articles, Dakota McCoy
Lifestyle. Adventure. Work. Everything that we do falls into at least one of these three categories. Our entire lives are comprised of the various bits and pieces that all come together to make this three-part Venn diagram that we use as a model to help balance our...
by Lee Watson | Apr 13, 2015 | Adventure, Articles, Lee Watson, Lifestyle, Work
I spend more time than most people on sailboats. Over the course of over thirty years on the water, I have learned some lessons that are helpful in life just as they are on the water. I’d like to share a few with you right now! A sailor needs skills to move a...
by Lee Watson | Apr 10, 2015 | Adventure, Articles, Lee Watson, Lifestyle
We spent the night on the sailboat “Kathryn” the night before our planned adventure from Corpus Christi, Texas to Key West, Florida. It should have taken about eight days and we would have covered about a thousand miles. It was a long night. Restless. Early the next...