The holidays are in full swing. This means food, family, festivities, and freezing weather. It also means the end of the year is coming. Budgets are getting balanced, gifts are being bought, travel is happening, and in the middle of all of it, we have to maintain the norm of functioning at work, in our family, and personally. That’s a lot to handle. Busyness is rampant during this time of year, and for me, busyness generally means that I’m overwhelmed beyond all reason, and instead of working on the things I need to get done, I think about how busy I am and eventually upset myself to the point of exhaustion. Naps don’t help me get things done, especially when I need to be awake to get the things done.
Here’s the deal: all of those things that I feel? They aren’t wrong. They’re feelings. But, that doesn’t mean that they’re founded in anything substantial. Here’s the 5 lies that busyness has told me.
- You can’t do it.
- You can. It may not feel like it, but you are in the position you are for a reason. You can do it. Don’t give up.
- It’s going to get worse.
- It might get worse before it gets better. It won’t last forever, though. If you don’t quit you can work toward getting things done. The more things that you get done, the more things get better.
- You’re going to let everyone down.
- Nothing lets people down more than not doing the thing you said you were going to do. So, yes, if you continue to panic and not get stuff done, you will let people down. You don’t have to let that happen.
- You’re not good enough.
- You are where you are for a reason. Believe it. Own it. If you can’t do a thing that will help, take the time to learn how to do it. You are where you are for a reason.
- Just give up.
- DO NOT GIVE UP. If something is worth, or needing to be done, do it the right way. Show pride in your talents and the opportunities you have.
This holiday season, don’t let busyness lie to you. Own your work. Own your schedule. Make a difference.