Getting Out of the Pot
I don’t condone throwing live frogs in boiling water, but just listen…
Always Look for the Silver Lining
Take a step back before you take a misstep forward,
My Spoon is Too Big
Your purpose and function are whatever you choose them to be.
Just keep swimming…
What do you do when life gets you down?
Mapping Out Organization
On the last trip of my expedition, I must overcome the treacherous journey back home. In order to make it home and further into my journey towards my career I must stock up at home on abilities and defaults. Organization, is the key to an easy ride through life....
Traversing College
College is a big thing…
Sailing through Highschool
Maddie’s life experience with high school.
1’s and 0’s
Only a Sith deals in absolutes…
100 Words: Doubt
Doubt is literally betting against yourself.