Have you ever been part of a group of people where you felt accepted and valued for who you are and what you bring to the table? Where you may have differences in opinion and don’t view things necessarily the same, but your common interests and foundational beliefs bind you together?
These groups of people are commonly called communities, and within them we find ourselves and our common interests thriving and growing together. It is a beautiful thing when you find others who are passionate about the same thing as you, and you can pursue it together. You can encourage each other when times are tough, use your varying talents and abilities to create, thrive, and grow your passions and your interests.
There are times when you are part of more than one community, and times when you focus on one particular group of people you are in community with. Sometimes you are part of a group and don’t realize you identify with the group until something stirs within you and causes unrest or offense. This may cause you to look within yourself and wonder where you stand, and why you feel unsettled.
In light of recent events in our country, it is so important to remember the value of identifying with a group of people who have something in common; in this case, our nation. We are all a group of people working together to provide for ourselves and our families, feel purpose and satisfaction in what we do, leave a legacy, form lasting relationships with others, find out what we are passionate about and what we stand for, and enjoy the freedoms and liberties that we are so blessed to have.
We are here trying to make the world a better place, trying to make our nation a safe and better place, and at times we find reason to disagree or offend. We may not agree on all topical interests, but we can agree that we stand for unity and harmony. That we want to thrive together, not make negative waves with one another. Sometimes this means trying to see a situation from someone else’s perspective. Other times, it means humbly apologizing when we are in the wrong, and letting the common good, or even the healing of a relationship, trump saving our pride or self-interested motivations from offense.
None of us have all of the answers, and at times we can all admit we don’t even have some of them. I certainly know I don’t! Sure, there are times when I am sitting on top of the world with confidence in a choice I made or something I stand behind, yet at other times, there is a small seed of doubt or uncertainty. But I choose to move forward, humbly, patiently, willing to change my stance, relate to another and put myself in their shoes, in hopes of a better solution or an answer to a problem.
If we are focused on solving the problem and being solution-oriented, we can take small steps to make small waves in the vast ocean of conflicts and difficult topics that we face as a people, a nation, and even as a global people. The choices we make matter, and the impact we have can sometimes come through a ripple effect of results that we may not personally witness in our lifetime. We have much reason to rally together, work together, put our heads together, to focus on the harmony and unity that glue us together, rather than the differences that tear us apart and cause conflict and unrest.
So decide where you stand, figure out what your community is. Appreciate the people around you who are pursuing the same thing, hold the same beliefs, and love what you love. Unite with them and seek harmony with those around you, even those who share different opinions. This world needs more of us to stand together and realize we are one, and to seek out our commonalities. Never underestimate the power of your efforts; your small waves make a difference in this vast ocean. And, if we all do our part, positive change will happen in due time.