Happy Earth Day (Isn’t all this green up ^^^ above crazy?)!

Today is not just the day when we acknowledge that we live on a planet that is full of beauty, but that we need to do something about keeping it beautiful! Every thing we do has an effect on the Earth. It’s time to do something about the environmental woes that are happening around us and for every person to do their part to clean up, get informed, and help others see the beauty and value of celebrating this holiday EVERY DAY!


For your inspiration, here’s this awesome video put out by the Earth Day Network that showcases the breathtaking beauty that is planet Earth!


This is awesome, right?! How can you look at this and not be impressed by the beauty that we live in!

So, let’s make sure that we celebrate today and try to do our part to make the Earth a better place… BUT let’s not forget that it should be Earth Day EVERY DAY! We have the opportunity to make a difference! Here’s a super short list of things you could do! You could:

  1. Plant a tree like you did with your 2nd grade class
  2. Pick up trash in your neighborhood or by your work
  3. Rescue a dolphin in distress (I’m not sure how you would do that, but I’m sure some of you are creative enough to make this happen)
  4. Talk to someone about a change you could make to your day-to-day routine that would improve the planet (recycling, carpooling, dolphin-saving, etc.)

The best thing, though, is to do something with someone else! When we have a “partner in crime” it’s so much easier to accomplish the goals we set. We get to encourage and push each other to continue towards life filled with success! And even more, it gets one more person to start helping make the world better!


We at LifeSuccess.com are committing to planting three new banana trees (yes I really mean banana trees) to celebrate!

FullSizeRender-3(Momma tree is on the right, and the baby trees are on the left! Lee is in the middle. He’s not a tree.)

So find a friend and make a difference!

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Hammond, IN 46320

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